Stress Screening Test Chambers


Highly Accelerated Stress Testing (HAST) - Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) - Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS)

Weisstechnik design and manufacture Stress Screening Test Chambers to perform a wide range of test methods in the above area of product testing. These Tests are used in product development and production processes to reduce early product failures and to increase the reliability of the product. When testing your products, you typically are required to meet numerous test standards. Weiss Technik’s chambers cover a wide range of applications and test methods to help you achieve all of your testing goals. The main stress testing chambers in their series include: the ShockEvent Thermal Temperature Test Chamber and the ShakeEvent Vibration Test Chamber.


Test Cabinets for Temperature Shock Tests, ShockEvent

The ShockEvent Stress Test Chamber from Weisstechnik® provides fast temperature change rates for thermal stressing of your product, as normal temperature tests are often insufficient to detect latent weak points in your product. Therefore, using the ShockEvent Thermal Stress Test Chamber multiple shock like temperature changes can be applied. The ShockEvent is available with a temperature range from –80 ° C to +220 °C with an optional extended range to 250 deg C.

Vibration Testing Cabinets ShakeEvent

The ShakeEvent Vibration Test Chambers from Weisstechnik® allow you to test the intense vibrational forces that your product may experience during its operational life. The ShakeEvent series of vibration test chambers adapt to fit most shakers available on the market and come in a wide range of sizes. They allow you to simulate the environmental conditions your product will experience while being tested for vibration. The ShakeEvent is available with a temperature range from -70° to 180°, humidity ranges from 5 to 98% and sizes from 600 L to 4000 L..


With the HALT/HASS systems (Highly Accelerated Life Testing / Highly Accelerated Stress Screening) from Weisstechnik®, you put your samples under a maximum exposure to stress. In addition to the vibration in three axis directions, a very high temperature change rate is achieved using liquid nitrogen making it possible to test your products in extreme situations.

Contact us for more information on these systems


Environmental Stress Screening is used to test a range of product components and whole products such as electronics. This type of testing is most common in Defence and aerospace manufacturing as it is these applications which will push a product to its extremes. Extreme stresses are applied either through vibration and/or thermal cycling so as to force latent defects to appear through permanent or catastrophic failure.

The Weisstechnik ShockEvent Chambers can satisfy the following test standards plus many more:

  • IEC 60068-2-14 Na

  • MIL-STD 810G Method 503.5

  • MIL-STD 883K Method 1010.9 Severity levels A,B,C,D,F

  • IEC 60068-2-1, Test A

  • JEDEC JESD22-A119

  • MIL-STD 810G, Method 502.5

  • ESTI EN 300019-2-4, Test Ab /Ad

The Weisstechnik ShakeEvent Chambers can satisfy the following test standards plus many more

Weiss Technik TS Thermal Shock Chamber

While the TS Series Thermal Shock Chambers have been recently updated to the new ShockEvent series, many of the TS Series advantages are still the same, check out the video below to understand what our Shock Test Chambers offer.